Docker Basic Commands
##Check Docker version
docker version
##Check host Information
docker info
##Pull image
docker pull registry:5000/alpine
##List images
docker images
docker image ls
##Run image in background mode
docker run -dt alpine
## Run image in interactive mode
docker run -it alpine
## List running containers
docker ps
docker container ls
## Inspect a container
docker inspect [Container-id]
## Manage containers
docker container
## Manage images
docker image
## List networks
docker network ls
## Manage networks
docker network
## Attach to a running container
docker attach [Container-id]
## Execute a command in a running container
docker exec -it [Container-id] /bin/sh
## Stop a running container
docker stop [Container-id]
## Start a stopped container
docker start [Container-id]
## Kill a running container
docker kill [Container-id]
## Build Docker image
docker build -t alpine-mod
## Push the image
docker push alpine-mod
## Commit container as an image
Create a container by running an image. Make some changes to it.
Here, a text file is created in it. Now, commit it.
docker commit [Container-id] alpine-note
## Export an image as tar archive
docker export -o alpine.tar [Container-id]
##Remove stopped containers
List all running and stopped containers
docker ps -a
## Take container IDs of desired containers and delete them.
docker rm [Container-id1] [Container-id2]
## Remove an image
List all images present in the local storage.
## Remove image by name
docker rmi -f alpine-note
## Remove image by Image ID
docker rmi -f [Container-id]
Check the image list to verify the deletion.
## Remove stopped container, unused images/networks
docker system prune -a
Creating Docker File and building container from there
~/test $ cat Dockerfile
FROM ubuntu:latest
RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y ssh
docker build -t ubuntu-test .
# Then run it.
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